

Not on the High Street Wish List

Not on the High Street Wish List

Hi everyone,

Having no internet still at the house is making online shopping very difficult at the moment which is good for my bank balance but not good for getting organised with my Christmas shopping! Every now and then I have been heading over to my mum or dads to get my internet fix and the other day I found myself browsing through Not on the High Street. I haven’t really used this website before but have heard a lot about it and although I was meant to be looking for gifts for other people I found myself creating my own wish list instead! I think some of these things would make fab Christmas presents or just treats for yourself so I thought I would share my findings on my blog rather than adding them all to my online basket!

What do you think of my Not on the High Street picks? Have you shopped there before?

Thanks for reading,

Hannah xx


  1. Yes I do that too, I end up thinking "I'll just look at one more page" and then before I know it half an hour as gone by! They have the best unique range of gifts. They even sent me a catalogue ha! :)
    I really like the reindeer earrings :) x

  2. I quit browsing online because my fingers are always tempted to add something into my shopping cart. LOL! Love the reindeer earrings, super cute!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  3. @Natasha It's so easily done and I can waste away hours on the internet without really realising it. I love Not on the High Street and Etsy for finding gifts that are a bit different, there's so many unique things on there :) x

  4. @Shireen L. Platt I think I need to take a leaf out of your book and stop shopping online so much! To me it doesn't feel like you're spending real money when you shop online and that makes it even more dangerous for my bank balance! x
